Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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Cees-Jan Adema: 'Look at the whole chain'

20 February 2023

"The intrinsic motivation of the food industry to start working on sustainability is high," believes Cees-Jan Adema, director of the Federation of Dutch Food Industry (FNLI). "Also when it comes to energy saving and elec...

First steps towards European eco-label for food

20 February 2023

The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) are taking the initiative to improve transparency about the sustainability of food in retail. One of the options i...

Albert Heijn stops flying in fruit and vegetables

20 February 2023

From 1 June 2023, fruit and vegetables such as sugarsnaps, haricots verts and passion fruit will only be transported to Albert Heijn via sea container or road transport.  Albert Heijn buys fruit and vegetables as...

Sustainable disinfection with simple disinfection

16 February 2023

You have invested in making your production lines more sustainable. With Nocotech disinfection, you can complete your sustainability plan! Why? Quite simply: 1. Automated disinfection; no mistakes are made and your st...

De 3 pijlers voor een duurzame voedseltransitie

16 February 2023

De basis van onze voedselproductie staat onder druk. Wereldwijd neemt het landbouwareaal af, worden grondstoffen schaarser en heeft de klimaat-en biodiversiteitscrisis negatieve impact. Als foodondernemer ontkom je er ni...

Sustainable food production: Challenges and frustrations

14 February 2023

The food sector is under a magnifying glass when it comes to sustainability. Not surprisingly, as the whole system of food production, packaging, distribution and consumption has a huge impact on nature. Yet we cannot do...

RIVM: The Dutch eat a lot less red and processed meat

13 February 2023

The Dutch eat more vegetable products such as fruit and vegetables, unsalted nuts and legumes and less red and processed meat. We also drink fewer sugary drinks. This is according to the new Food Consumption Survey (VCP)...

North Holland commits 2.7 million for Food Vision

10 February 2023

North Holland is committed to clean and safe production of healthy, affordable and tasty food for all. Achieving a sustainable food system requires all parties in the food chain to do their bit. The province wants to enc...

How to make insect food mainstream?

09 February 2023

How do consumers react to insect food? And can their opinion change if there is more awareness of its sustainable and circular benefits? Wageningen University & Research conducted research into it. The study consi...

Hessing Supervers opens new factory in Venlo

08 February 2023

Frank Hessing recently received the Super Key, officially rounding off the completion of Hessing's production location in Greenport Venlo. With this sustainable Vegetable Fresh Factory, Hessing is taking an important ste...

Meat substitutes based on protein from grass

07 February 2023

Using protein from grass to develop meat substitutes. That is the goal of the cooperation between Schouten Europe and Grassa. Grass protein is a suitable alternative to soy, an ingredient now often used in meat substitut...

PeelPioneers winner Circular Awards 2023

07 February 2023

On 6 February, the winners of the Circular Awards were announced at the National Circular Economy Conference. Zeeman was chosen winner in the Business Large category, PeelPioneers in the Business Small category and Provi...

SUNT opens world's first banana factory

07 February 2023

In the EU, an average of 120,000 tonnes of bananas are destroyed by customs every year for cosmetic reasons. SUNT Food has been fighting against this unnecessary waste since 2019, making banana bread and 'baked donuts' f...

Online editie februari 2023: Duurzame productielijnen

06 February 2023

De voedingssector ligt onder een vergrootglas als het gaat om duurzaamheid. Niet zo vreemd, want het hele systeem van voedselproductie, verpakken, distribueren en consumptie heeft een enorme impact op d...

Column Judith Witte: Outlook on the future

06 February 2023

Sometimes, when I read my newspaper in the morning, I get desperate. The problems are SO big. The reports on climate change, deforestation and biodiversity loss give me a stomach ache. It makes me glum that the energy tr...