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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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bvA lanceert checklist duurzaamheidsclaims

13 March 2023

Op 10 maart 2023 lanceerde de bond van Adverteerders (bvA) een Checklist voor duurzaamheidsclaims. Hiermee wil de organisatie marketeers en hun bureaus ondersteunen bij het maken van verantwoorde reclame op het gebied va...

HAK achieves B Corp certification

09 March 2023

HAK has received the renowned B Corp certification. With this, the vegetable and legume manufacturer underlines its sustainability strategy. HAK stresses that obtaining the official B Corp certification is not an end poi...

Hard plastics can be recycled if constructed differently

09 March 2023

Rigid plastic is very difficult to recycle. At least, that was the case until the discovery of vitrimers. Researchers of the Biomolecular Sciences cluster have laid the foundation for this new type of sustainable plastic...

The Plastic Guide: radical approach to plastic packaging

08 March 2023

The time has come to start a raw materials transition together for a truly circular economy. This can only be achieved by thinking and acting differently in the production and use of plastic packaging, according to the D...

Are algae the food of the future?

07 March 2023

The European Commission wants to stimulate the cultivation of algae. These microscopic creatures are filled with fats and proteins and are therefore a useful addition to our diet. Are algae the food of the future? Mar...

Ter Beke changes company name: What's Cooking?

07 March 2023

Belgian food company Ter Beke is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. Ter Beke has become known for its charcuterie, savoury snacks and prepared meals. The company resolutely opts for a new chapter with a renewed ...

Column Judith Witte: Reptile brain

06 March 2023

Us humans are creatures of habit. Every day we have the same morning routine, the same route to work, a fixed place at the table. Change makes us restless. To prove this premise at home, I ran a little test. At dinner, I...

Packaging: sustainable versus political gain

06 March 2023

The European Commission is 'through with it': the EU's packaging waste policy has failed. That is why the EU is intervening with new legislation. Which is SO detailed that it is going to have a lot of impact on the food ...

Carl Siegert: Dilemmas in practice

06 March 2023

"When it comes to packaging, you always run into dilemmas as a food produce," says Carl Siegert, owner-director of the bakery Carl Siegert in Harmelen, where sustainable business practices are paramount. His company w...

Food producer cornered by EU deforestation-free sourcing law

02 March 2023

In the fight against deforestation, the European Union recently adopted a new regulation. This regulation raises the bar for sustainable sourcing of various raw materials and will therefore have a significant impact on m...

European food systems: Sustainable with data

01 March 2023

Can data help us make European food systems more sustainable? 'Yes,' argue researchers from the Data4Food2030 project, '...provided we manage data well and build trust among all stakeholders.' There is still work to be d...

Indonesia and the Netherlands want sustainable palm oil

01 March 2023

To address the environmental and social aspects of palm oil production, Indonesia (the world’s largest palm oil producer) has made big steps in improving sustainable production of palm oil. Sustainable production of palm...

Plant protein from the Netherlands: wanted and unknown

01 March 2023

Interest in foods containing protein produced in the Netherlands has risen sharply over the past five years. However, the recognition and value of plant proteins such as legumes and nuts is low, unlike meat and dairy. Su...

No more disposable bags for fruit and vegetables

23 February 2023

In 2023, free single-use bags for fruit and vegetables will disappear from Dutch supermarkets. Instead, customers can use reusable bags that they can wash at home. With this joint initiative, five supermarket chains expe...

Turnaround to sustainable rice

22 February 2023

With its 'SRP around the World' awareness campaign, the Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) is drawing attention to the major impact of rice cultivation on people and the environment, and the need for a switch to more sustai...