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2025 Trend Report for the Food and Beverage Industry

2025 promises to be a transformative year for the food and beverage sector. Strengthen your business strategy and gain a lasting competitive edge with this practical guide to the industry’s most significant challenges an..

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The advance of Robotics and Smart Industry

22 November 2018

Compared to other sectors, the food sector still has a relatively low robot density. But the sector is catching up. Big data technologies such as data analysis, data mining, and artificial intelligence are turning the ag...

'Your new employer is a robot'

13 November 2018

It's still hard to imagine, but in about ten to fifteen years, many people will be largely replaced by robots and artificial intelligence in many organisations. "That is good news! Provided that we take on the developmen...

Robotisation: Necessity, Wish, and Dream

13 November 2018

Bij planvorming en het opstellen van een programma van eisen bekruipt me vaak het gevoel met een stel kinderen door een supermarkt te lopen. Iedereen gooit van alles in de kar omdat het mooi, lekker en leuk is. Bij de ka...

Robotisation: The future never ends

13 November 2018

We raken al gewend aan termen als industrie 4.0, internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence, virtual en augmented reality. Maar kennen we ook de werkelijke betekenissen? Weet u wat de impact ervan is op uw bed...

Robots over een paar jaar niet meer weg te denken

09 July 2018

Het is Richard van der Linde, founder van Lacquey, gelukt om een volautomatische robot te verkopen die de kern van een krop ijsbergsla verwijderd. Twee seconde per krop, dit betekent dat de machine 900 kilo per uur kan v...

Investments in robotics increased

11 December 2017

Robotization gets more and more foothold in the Dutch food industry. This is stated by the ‘Sector Advisory Food companies in economic perspective’ report of ABN AMRO. In the food sector the number of new purchased ro...

Taking slicing and packaging to the highest leve

11 April 2017

Ton Aarnink’s meat factory is based in the Dutch town of Meppel. With his knowledge of the business, his strong team and top-quality machines, this seasoned butcher can make virtually any meat product. Ton Aarnink has...

Presentations, demos and workshops

11 April 2017

Are you interested in attending an interesting day about surface finishing and metalworking? And seeing demonstrations of some of the most innovative and robotised machines around? Or perhaps you’re keen to learn about t...

Burgers, burgers and yet more burgers

06 March 2017

The burgers from Halifax in Denmark are tasty, classically American but certainly not old-fashioned. But before customers can bite heartily into their burgers, the various components must be safely packed for the journey...

Efficiency gains thanks to new building

07 February 2017

The company called Aan de Stegge Twello has reached an agreement relating to the new-build project for Hems/Fortuna in Oss. Hems BV and its subsidiary Fortuna BV are specialised in the supply of a wide range of meat prod...

PEF for fries and crisps

14 November 2016

Pulsemaster BV from Bladel has introduced an effective new pulsed electric field (PEF) pilot-scale batch system, under the brand name ‘Solidus’. The system can be used to determine the effects of PEF on whole potatoes in...

Digitale transitie

11 October 2016

‘De volgende – diepere – golf van digitalisering dient zich aan, een golf die ons leven nog ingrijpender en sneller zal veranderen. Toonaangevende experts geven aan dat bij de juiste (beleids)keuzes een extra BBP groei v...

De robotsamenleving

11 October 2016

De robotsamenleving komt eraan! Het Rathenau Instituut riep daarom dit voorjaar de politiek op om daar ‘een wenkend perspectief van te maken, een uitgangspunt dat richting kan geven. De geschiedenis laat zien dat dat kan...

Generator is compact and easy to use

11 October 2016

Following a fire in early 2016, Dutch firm De Dessert Meesters, manufacturer of desserts and ice cream, hurriedly went in search of new, temporary production facilities. They found suitable factory premises but there was...

End of line packaging & storage

11 October 2016

Are you looking for the complete package? Not just a material handling & storage partner, but also a proactive organisation that focuses on your distinctiveness and can supply turnkey solutions?  Your company...