Column Saskia Stender: Perfect time for innovation
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Column Saskia Stender: Perfect time for innovation

  • 11 September 2023
  • By: Saskia Stender

How many times in the food industry have we said, ‘We're waiting for the right moment to launch that innovation’? The opportune moment to roll out a new plant-based product, adopt a novel technique, or engage in a sustainable partnership. However, that 'right moment' often seems elusive.

A central question persists: what makes one product an enduring success while another becomes just a fleeting trend? Reflect back on the early days of plant-based meat alternatives. When they first emerged, the market was flooded with choices. Some vanished within a few months, while others have cemented their place in our weekly shop. But why?

The true distinction isn’t just in taste or texture, but in the philosophy behind the product. Companies that grasped they were offering not just a product, but an experience or even a way of life, came out ahead. Their investment went beyond ingredients; they invested in their brand's story, sustainability, and customer relationships.

A flash in the pan in the food world often arises when the focus is too much on short-term gains or quickly capitalizing on a fad. A product that dominates the shelves usually has a deeper mission. The company behind it understands that customer loyalty extends beyond a single transaction; it's about trust, consistency, and delivering long-term value.

The path to innovation is never linear. Crafting a new meat alternative or perfecting a plant-based recipe has its challenges. But the satisfaction when that product finally graces the shelves and receives positive feedback? That's unparalleled.

Saskia Stender

Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2023