The Dutch are willing to eat more insects
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The Dutch are willing to eat more insects

  • 26 July 2022

Dutch people are very open to the idea of eating more insects. 1 out of 5 Dutch people (21%) have already eaten insects or insect-based food. This is shown in research commissioned by Ÿnsect.

When the advantages in terms of environment, health and nutritional values are explained, 47% of the Dutch population says they are willing to eat food products based on insect proteins.

Dutch people want more insect-based food products

Dutch people are big supporters of the development of food products based on insect proteins. 53% of the respondents even think that the government should include insect-based food products in their health and nutrition advice. Moreover, 80% of Dutch respondents think that food producers should include more insect proteins in their products. However, 51% of the respondents state as a condition that this should be clearly mentioned on the packaging.

Insects will undoubtedly play a major role in the food of the future.

The poll was conducted in April 2022 (from 1 to 7 April) by OnePoll among a representative group of 2017 Dutch adults.

Source: Ÿnsect