Column Saskia Stender: Are you up for the challenge?
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Column Saskia Stender: Are you up for the challenge?

  • 09 September 2024
  • By: Saskia Stender

During the holidays, you have time to put everything in perspective, both business and personal. I drive a Peugeot 508 Station and have been considering trading it in for another car, about three years old. Then the obvious question comes up: which one? The Peugeot is a large car with plenty of cargo space, comfortable, and with a decent amount of horsepower. Naturally, I want to move forward, not backward. My brothers were curious about my choice. The first car that came to mind was a Volvo CX90.

"Wow, that’s quite a step up, impressive."

"But then the market is even bigger. What about a Mercedes-Benz GLE, Audi Q7, BMW X5?"

With excitement in their voices, they started listing one brand after another, giving me so many suggestions that I lost track. I do like large, tough-looking cars, but I’m not an expert. I really need to dive deeper into it to make the right choice.

It’s the same in business, you don’t make decisions alone. You bring in competent people. From your own company, but certainly also from your network. You get informed, discuss things with several people, and come to a well-thought-out decision. This is what makes OSV so strong; sharing knowledge is important within our network, during events where OSV provides topics, but especially among members.

As I write this, I think I might get even more tips from you—more brands and car models. Even more choices. I challenge you, but please make sure your suggestions are well-founded!

Saskia Stender

[email protected]

Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2024