About guts, decisiveness and positivity
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About guts, decisiveness and positivity

  • 16 November 2020
  • By: Pieter Vos

Nobody failed to notice: there has been a shortage of test capacity for corona in the Netherlands for some time now. This is largely due to the way in which testing is organised. That's why our lab was increasingly approached by companies in the neighbourhood and by customers: 'Can you also test for the presence of corona on food? And on surfaces? And, please, on our people with corona-related complaints; the waiting time at the GGD is too long! We weren't the only laboratory that got these questions. That is why we as Fenelab put our heads together. Can we, together, offer our knowledge and expertise in covid diagnostics?

Fenelab is an association of accredited laboratories. I have been vice-president for a number of years and have been president since October. Fenelab laboratories are not very visible until a crisis breaks out: BSE, Fipronil, PFAS, nitrogen... corona. Then we discover that laboratories, as service intermediaries, have a much greater impact on society and our private lives than many people realise. 

In the beginning, many entrepreneurs are enthusiastic about a common alternative. Nevertheless, a number of them soon abandon the idea; they don't dare, it doesn't fit, it doesn't work. Entrepreneurs who see opportunities, especially those who are accustomed to acting quickly, have guts and clout, keep going. 

If you start a new business with about 6 competitors, entrepreneurship is essential. You have to trust each other and dare to take risks. Have decisiveness, be able to decide quickly and have vision. Your network must be in order to be able to gather the right people around you. Above all, you have to do it together. What we also discover, and what we need a great deal of, is positivity.  

What role do you play; at home, at work and in your network? Do you bring the people around you along with you with courage, decisiveness and positivity, especially now in this covid period?

Pieter Vos

Directeur Nutrilab

Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2020