Improvement Product composition 2014
Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Stay up to date!

The food sector is certainly dynamic. You can’t stand still, even if you want to: regulatory and legislative changes force you to stay up to date. State Secretary Dijksma from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Edit..

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Burning desire to visit Peutz

03 January 2014

At the end of December 2013, Peutz’s brand-new laboratory for fire safety was officially opened in Molenhoek (Mook). The laboratory is accredited to conduct various fire tests, both for manufacturers and for projects tha...

Busy schedule

03 January 2014

The busy schedule once again underlines just how active the OSV and Young Food Management (YFM) networks are. This year, our plans include visits to Peutz’s new laboratory for fire safety in Mook, the La Trappe brewer...

Visually impaired consumers

03 January 2014

Visually impaired people have a hard time shopping independently. MEP Ádám Kósa is striving to make information on food labels accessible to this growing group of people. There are around 30 million blind and visually...