Raw materials & Ingredients 2016
Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Energiebesparende klimaatscheiding

Het Biddle industrie-luchtgordijn, model IndAC2 ambient, garandeert niet alleen een optimale klimaatscheiding in de deuropening, maar zorgt ook voor een constante temperatuur in het vrieshuis en reduceert het energieverb..

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Help: an E number!

12 April 2016

The use of additives in the manufacture of food and beverage products is a continuing source of tension: consumers want their products to contain as few additives as possible, manufacturers cannot simply leave them all o...

Colourful and natural!

12 April 2016

Consumers all over the world are increasingly health-conscious and pay more attention to the products they eat and drink every day. In order to map out the extent of this ongoing trend towards more naturalness and its im...


12 April 2016

Big Data, the Internet of Things, Smart Industry: the digital transformation offers countless opportunities for the food sector – but only if you can get the bits and bytes to ‘talk’ to you. Otherwise the ‘great unknown’...

'Food safety in 2025’

12 April 2016

On the afternoon of 8 March, a large number of members attended the mini congress on ‘Food safety in 2025’ at Kupan in Varsseveld. It is clearly a topic that a lot of people are interested in. With the programme featurin...

Big Data

12 April 2016

Looking to the future Big data: everyone is talking about it and knows that it is important, but what’s the best approach? How should you handle it? Another hot topic is collaboration. It’s essential in so many areas....

Food from less-refined ingredients

12 April 2016

To produce our daily foodstuffs, grain, soya beans and potatoes are separated into ingredients, or ‘fractions’, that are as pure as possible. That is inefficient and not particularly sustainable, according to Prof. Dr. A...

How sweet would you like it?

12 April 2016

At the end of March, the Dutch government published a report of the results from the study entitled ‘The monitoring of salt in food products’ which was conducted by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Author...

A new hygienic solution hand washing and drying at the sink

09 February 2016

A collaboration between Dyson and industrial hygiene manufacturer Elpress resulted in the development of a hygienic, fully integrated hand washing and drying solution. It’s already been installed in some of the most hygi...