Meat remains by far the most important source of protein in Belgium. The absolute majority of Belgians (96%) eat meat. A very small group (4%) has a purely vegetarian lifestyle. The main reason for choosing meat is the taste: meat is tasty and is associated with enjoyment. Besides taste, nutritional value is an important motivator: Belgians see meat as an essential source of nutrients. Sticking to one's eating habits completes the top three choices for meat. 68% indicate that meat is strongly ingrained in their eating habits. This is what the iVox survey reveals.
The main change regarding meat consumption is in the number of consumption moments. The number of meals at which a different source of protein is chosen is increasing, as a result of which Belgians are becoming more varied and meat consumption is decreasing in the long term (by 1% to 2% annually). What is striking is that during the covid 19 pandemic, significantly more fresh products, including meat, were consumed at home.
Belgians certainly do not have a negative view on meat: 9 out of 10 Belgians indicate that they do not have a negative view on the product. The main motive for variation in our eating habits is to break the fixed routine. It is a positive variation choice. For example, only 9% think that meat does not fit into a healthy diet. For a part of the population (29%), concern for the environment and the climate is an argument for variation.
The majority of Belgians vary their protein sources (meat, fish or vegetarian). Less than 1 in 5 (17%) say they will still eat meat almost every day in 2022, but this group has become smaller in recent years (from 24% in 2014). On the other hand, only 8% do not eat meat every week. 4% never eat it and this percentage has remained stable for a number of years. Leaving aside the two extremes, this means that 75% of Belgians eat meat regularly and alternate it with fish and vegetarian food.
Almost 3 in 5 Belgians (58%) indicate that the country of origin has an influence on their choice to buy fresh meat. An absolute majority (95%) of them indicate that they prefer home-produced meat. The perception of being more environmentally friendly is mainly due to the shorter transportation required. Further knowledge about the environmental impact of domestic meat is limited.
Research by GfK Belgium and iVox commissioned by VLAM.
Source: VLAM