Rethink Waste: Schimmel-gefermenteerde eiwitten winnen terrein
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Proteins fermented by fungi win ReThink Waste

  • 21 June 2023

Team Afterlife won first prize in the ReThink Waste Challenge with their idea to convert food waste into proteins using fungi. The judges praised their approach to a waste stream that is difficult to ferment. The team received 6,000 euros and professional support for their startup.

The international ReThink Waste Challenge challenged students to find innovative solutions for a more sustainable future. Nearly 200 students from 33 countries participated. Ten teams presented their ideas to a jury of experts.

Team Afterlife won because of their use of fungi to ferment agricultural waste. The jury emphasized the enormous potential of fermenting lignin and cellulose from waste. Juror Ernst-Jan Mul of Renewi looks forward to helping the team in further development. Team Afterlife also won the audience award.

Team Pomace finished second with their idea to use fruit pulp as a natural flavoring. Team Cult Factor came in third. Both teams will receive support for further development.

The award ceremony was part of a program focused on a zero-waste future. At the Innovation Market, students and companies presented ideas for a circular, bio-based economy.

Source: Wageningen University & Research