Risk analysis raises shelf life of chilled fresh products
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Risk analysis raises shelf life of chilled fresh products

  • 09 June 2023

TOP BV has developed a method to lift the shelf life of chilled products to new heights. Thanks to their innovative risk analysis, food producers can discover a product's vulnerable spots and address them to extend its shelf life. For example, from 8 days to 2 weeks.

According to food technologist Justus Veenemans of TOP BV, the risk analysis is primarily used to determine the shelf life of chilled products. However, the analysis offers many more possibilities. Veenemans explains: "We can also identify weak points and make recommendations for process improvements, which can extend the shelf life of products."


Every risk analysis is customized, as there are numerous variables to consider. Veenemans explains that about a dozen pathogens, mainly bacteria, are usually considered, depending on factors such as product composition, process and raw materials. Although producers often use high-quality raw materials and are hygienic, pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes and Bacillus cereus can still be present. Even small amounts of these bacteria can multiply rapidly and lead to product spoilage or even food poisoning.

Veenemans emphasizes that protecting the consumer is a key driver. Setting an expiration date allows consumers to consume food safely. To do this, it is essential to know which populations of pathogens one may be dealing with in the worst case scenario. TOP BV obtains this information from existing data from the producer or certificates from ingredient suppliers. If necessary, additional information is looked up in the scientific literature.

Addressing vulnerabilities

Using this information, models are developed that predict the growth of bacteria populations based on process conditions and product composition. TOP's modeling work goes beyond determining shelf life alone. By identifying vulnerabilities, TOP can advise producers on how to extend the shelf life of their products. For example, this can result in extending shelf life from 8 days to 2 weeks by addressing critical points.


Source: TOP BV