Kingfish focuses on growth: Jansen Techniek makes it possible
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Kingfish focuses on growth: Jansen Techniek makes it possible

  • 09 September 2024
  • By: Esther van der Lelie

Christiaan de Wet, Martijn Sinac, and Jannes Jansen take pride in being part of the major construction and efficiency project for The Kingfish Company in Zeeland. They enthusiastically share stories about ‘their’ Yellowtail, the growth process, and the advantages of the technical sorting line provided by Jansen Techniek.

In the expansive landscape of Zeeland, on the shores of the Oosterschelde in Kats, stands the first factory of The Kingfish Company (Kingfish). With Phase II, an expansion of the factory, the grower and supplier of Dutch Yellowtail aims to achieve its growth target of 3,500 tons per year. Yellowtail is a healthy, antibiotic-free delicacy, a premium sashimi, a grilled or smoked classic, and a ‘Green Choice’ recommended by the Good Fish Foundation. Thanks to its in-house farming, the fish is available fresh year-round. Kingfish supplies restaurants, wholesalers, retailers, and several Michelin-starred establishments worldwide.

From left to right: Christiaan de Wet, Martijn Sinac, and Jannes Jansen

Growth requires preparation

Christiaan de Wet, Head of Design and Engineering at Kingfish, was involved in the initial construction plans. “Phase I is complete, Phase II is wrapping up, and preparations for Phase III have begun.” Jansen Techniek came into the picture for the factory setup. A family business from Putten, Jansen Techniek has been designing, building, and delivering custom solutions for industrial production logistics in the food sector since 1997. Founder Jannes Jansen explains: “We’ve been involved with Kingfish since 2016; we connected through a mutual contact. Early on, we were approached during the development of the new factory. At that point, they didn’t need a machine builder yet, but an advisor. I introduced a contact. Later, we participated in the bidding process and came out on top, partly because of our vision for hygiene and automation in the future.”

Custom solution for fresh products

Together with Martijn Sinac, Kingfish's operational manager of processing, and Christiaan, Jannes discusses the challenging project. Martijn starts: “Since March 3, 2024, we’ve been working in the new processing area, which is eight times larger than before. It took some getting used to for our staff.” He outlines the changes: “Previously, the fish was dumped on the table with ice by forklift, then weighed and measured one by one. Later, we moved to an automated production line from Jansen Techniek. That was a nice step up to the current situation.” Jannes adds: “Now, the fish is pumped in and placed on the conveyor belts. Sorting, weighing, and packing then happen automatically. We supplied a sorting machine. This is a product for us, but we also think about the handling process around it.” Martijn explains, “The setup requires precision. We deal with freshly harvested fish daily. The size and weight of our living product can vary from day to day, yet we have to ensure quality is paramount. That can sometimes cause stress or require backup plans, but with the current technology, we have it under control. It’s top-notch!” Christiaan is also enthusiastic: “It saves time and increases output, and our production is on target. There's even room for another line in the future. We want to continue growing at every phase.”

Working together on a solid solution

The men are proud to be part of Kingfish’s ‘master plan.’ The collaboration between Christiaan, Martijn, and Jannes is going well. Christiaan remarks: “Together, we create custom solutions, which occasionally leads to issues. That’s not a problem. What matters is how you solve them, and Jansen Techniek understands that.” Jannes adds: “We ensure our machines work well after installation and provide instructions. If there are any questions or problems, the customer can always call us. When we get a call, we feel a sense of urgency because downtime is not an option—the customer must keep running! So, we go immediately.” Martijn laughs, “And it doesn’t matter who shows up. Every team member at Jansen Techniek is technically skilled and eager to help. They have everything they need on hand and fix the problem.”

Passion and pride prevail

Together with their team, the men form a strong unit. They share a passion for technology, looking beyond to ensure the process at Kingfish runs smoothly. Jannes reflects: “It’s a challenging and enjoyable project.” Martijn adds: “We can rely on Jansen Techniek.” Christiaan sums it up: “Innovative, efficient, and effective.” Above all, what stands out for all three is their sense of pride: “I was part of that!”

Photos: ©Peter Roek

Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2024