Food-grade oils from FenS keep production lines running at Borgesius
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Food-grade oils from FenS keep production lines running at Borgesius

  • 09 September 2024
  • By: Naomi Heidinga

“The show must go on,” even when a new conversion is required. Industrial baker Borgesius can't afford to have production lines down. “Everything is interconnected,” says Thomas Harms from the technical department. Together with his colleagues, he ensures that the machines keep running.

Borgesius has been around since 1895 and operates nine bakeries. The company was founded by Goedhart Borgesius, and seven generations later, it is one of the largest bakeries in the Netherlands. Borgesius supplies bread and small bakery products to retailers on a daily basis. The Stadskanaal branch is unique. “We’re a specialty bakery,” says Johan Idema, head of the technical department. “We don’t produce fresh bread daily, only bake-off items, which makes us unique within Borgesius. Other branches can’t simply take over our work.”


At the Stadskanaal site, they are working on a conversion, moving one of the lines to another floor. “This takes a lot of preparation. We’re busy with the entire setup,” says Thomas. The target is to have everything ready for test runs in week 32. Until then, the focus is on maintaining production while ensuring the construction area is properly sealed off with tarps to uphold food safety standards.

From left to right: Jason de Vaal, Johan Idema, Thomas Harms


The company operates several production lines. Line four, where almost the entire process is automated, is the most recent addition. Only one baker is needed to monitor and fix small issues. Dough is prepared in large vats before moving to the mixers. It’s placed on belts in large sheets, which are trimmed and portioned into rolls. Any leftover dough is transported back to the mixers via conveyor belts. The rolls pass through the line, with each process flowing smoothly into the next—almost hypnotic to watch. The bread is baked for 30 minutes and then quickly cooled before packaging and delivery to retailers.

Lubrication schedule

One striking feature is how clean the machines are. Daily cleaning is standard, but on Saturdays, they undergo a more thorough cleaning while the machines are stopped. Besides cleaning, regular lubrication of moving parts is essential to maintaining the machines—there are quite a few. Some parts are lubricated automatically, while others are done by hand. “We have a lubrication schedule,” explains Johan. “It’s automated in the Ultimo software system, which tracks which parts need lubrication. However, we don’t just rely on the maintenance plan; we also trust our knowledge and experience. Our technicians use their senses to assess whether the line is running smoothly.”

Chain replacement

The chain that guides the bread through the 30-meter-long stone oven is a critical component of the line. Recently, Borgesius had to replace this chain. Proper maintenance is vital because, without the chain, everything stops. “We were looking for a high-quality, food-grade lubricant. The oven can reach temperatures of up to 250 degrees, and the oil needs to withstand that.” The Italian oven supplier recommended a particular oil, but Borgesius opted for another. “For all our oils and lubricants, we rely on FenS. We prefer to have a single point of contact, so we asked FenS to provide an alternative.” The choice fell on Berusynth CB180 H1, a high-quality oil at an attractive price. However, switching oils without consulting the supplier could void warranties, so they checked with the supplier, who approved the choice.

Online customer portal

The team is happy with FenS. “Communication is easy, and if someone forgets to order something, we can just make a quick call. Our account manager, Jason de Vaal, takes the time to go over everything with us, which we appreciate.” FenS customers can use an online portal to place orders and access product information, including certificates. “We also receive the information on paper, neatly compiled in a folder, which is handy during audits when you need quick access to the documents.”

Few breakdowns

The chain on line four is lubricated automatically. “We also lubricate it manually once or twice a year. It’s a time-consuming task that takes me about two hours, but this way, I know for sure that the entire chain is well-greased,” Thomas says with pride. “Some of our machines have been running for 30 years. This is only possible with good maintenance. We hardly ever have breakdowns. The emergency service rarely gets called out of bed.”

Photos: © Naomi Heidinga

Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2024