Food Matters Live in Rotterdam
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Food Matters Live in Rotterdam

  • 10 February 2025

Food Matters Live, a forum for the food and beverage industry in England and Ireland, is making the leap to the continent this year. On September 23 and 24, the event will take place for the first time at Rotterdam Ahoy.

Food Matters Live offers valuable insights into future market trends and consumer behavior through panel discussions, roundtables, networking events, and product tastings. A recurring theme during the industry integration sessions at the most recent event in Dublin (Nov 2024) was the importance of collaboration in addressing systemic challenges. Partnerships with certification bodies and regulatory authorities are proving to be crucial for establishing common standards, boosting consumer trust, and ensuring regulatory stability. Michelle Sinéchal, IFF’s Marketing Director for EAME, emphasized: “Partnerships with academic institutions, such as Wageningen University & Research, are essential—for translating scientific knowledge into practical solutions. Both the industry and consumers can benefit from this.”

Opportunities and challenges

Rob Crutzen, Commercial Director of IFF for the Benelux, pointed out the growing popularity of private-label products in the Netherlands. “Shoppers are better informed and more aware of their choices. Products need to align with their health values and sustainability goals, but also with their budgets. This has encouraged retailers to invest in developing private-label products that meet these demands.” The Netherlands differs from many other countries in a key way: it is home to one of the world’s most important ports. “That presents a major challenge. The government, ports, importers, and food producers need to quickly improve their methodologies to ensure they comply with new, stricter regulations, such as the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR),” says Manuel Davila, Managing Director of Daabon.

A resilient sector

Briony Mansell-Lewis, Managing Director of Food Matters Live, highlighted the sector’s efforts to make sustainable, nutritious, and healthy food more accessible to everyone, foster collaboration, and address challenges within global supply chains. “We continue to support the industry in tackling the challenges ahead and in creating opportunities for collaboration among various stakeholders. We do this by bringing people from the food and ingredients industries together, informing them, and inspiring them. The beauty of it all: this is a sector with extraordinary resilience!”

Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2025