Column Gerard Kramer: Wake-upcall
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Column Gerard Kramer: Wake-upcall

  • 10 February 2025
  • By: Gerard Kramer

As of January 1st, 2026, the new allergen regulations will take effect—a fact no one in the food industry could have missed. The principle is simple: where companies could previously suffice with a general "may contain" warning, demonstrable precision is now required. Allergen quantities must be quantified, and warnings may only be issued when necessary.

This might sound like a bureaucratic hurdle, but the reality is that these rules offer better protection for consumers with allergies. Unnecessary warnings lead to distrust and product avoidance, while new techniques now make it possible to detect allergens with far greater precision. At Nutrilab, for example, we use LC-MS/MS technology, an advanced method capable of detecting a wide range of allergens in a single analysis. This allows us not only to identify the presence of allergens but also to trace the source of cross-contamination—a crucial step for companies exporting to markets like the U.S. or Asia.

This transition requires more than just technology. Companies need to thoroughly evaluate their processes. Think about cross-contamination during crop rotation or residues in production lines. It’s a time-consuming process but a necessary one. At the same time, the introduction of uniform reference doses across the EU provides businesses with more clarity. This makes testing not only more realistic but also more efficient.

Still, I see many companies taking action far too late. Although this legislation was announced some time ago, many are waiting until the last moment. That’s a risky move. There’s only a year left to get processes and collaborations in order, and that requires a strategic approach.

As a specialist at Nutrilab, I am convinced that we can tackle this challenge together. It starts with taking action. Now. Don’t see this legislation as a burden, but as an opportunity! Earning consumer trust and elevating allergen management to a higher level is an investment that will pay off.

Gerard Kramer
Agro-Food Specialist at Nutrilab

Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2025