Cauliflower proves popular in the Netherlands
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Cauliflower proves popular in the Netherlands

  • 31 May 2024

Cauliflower is one of the most beloved vegetables in the Netherlands, with an annual consumption of 3.2 kilos per person. North Holland is the epicenter of cultivation, with most cauliflower destined for the domestic market. For comparison, a Brit consumes 2.4 kilos, a Pole 1.6 kilos, and a German 1.5 kilos per person. These figures are from the new factsheet ‘Bloemkool in Beeld’ by GroentenFruit Huis.

In 2023, total Dutch consumption of cauliflower dropped due to a smaller supply from Spain and France. Despite this dip, there was annual growth in the five years prior. The Dutch harvest in 2023 was slightly larger than the previous year, at 53 million kilos. From June to October, when Dutch cauliflower is widely available, sales increased by nearly 10 percent. However, in the first and fourth quarters, purchases fell by about 45 percent compared to the previous year.

Impact of foreign harvests

The decrease in consumption is partly due to smaller harvests in Spain and France, affecting availability in the Dutch market. Despite these foreign fluctuations, Dutch cultivation continues to play a significant role, with a clear peak in the summer months. For more details and figures, refer to the factsheet ‘Bloemkool in Beeld’.

View the factsheet.

Source: GroentenFruit Huis