A future-fit digital food paradise
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A future-fit digital food paradise

  • 17 June 2024

Climate change is leading to uncertainties in crop yields and challenges in the logistics chain, while the global population is growing and the demand for food is increasing. Greater efficiency and the prevention of waste in the chain are essential. How can this be achieved? Through digitization and automation!

How can digitization, automation, and robotics boost the food processing sector? This was the central question of the panel discussion between four experts in the food industry during the Food Tech Event on May 16th 2024. Organized by Next Tech Food Factories and moderated by Judith Witte, editor-in-chief of Vakblad Voedingsindustrie, a lively discussion unfolded on stage over the course of forty-five minutes about opportunities and challenges, pitfalls, and bottlenecks.

Martijntje Vollebregt, researcher in Food Technology at Wageningen University & Research: “The digital and technological transition in food is not a short-term topic. Finding answers and solutions takes time, knowledge, and investments. Knowledge of product-process interactions is essential: this is the context in which the technology must operate.”

Roef van Duin, sector specialist: “Digitization certainly offers opportunities, but we will only realize this potential if we put the systems at the service of practical problems and challenges. People remain crucial in this; employees must be able to work with them. In my opinion, there is too often a technology-push, partly driven by the fear of missing out.”

Allard Martinet, director of productions at Marel Poultry: “Indeed, we bring in a lot of technology. Which Technical Department can maintain that? More complex is not always better: building spaceships is not necessary to help the customer. Scarce technicians must be cherished, but that's not all. In my view, digitization should serve multiple goals: don't just automate due to personnel challenges, but also ensure that plant managers, service technicians, and other relevant people in the factory gain more control and insight.”

Bart Winter, supply chain manager at Unilever Ice Cream: “In terms of digitization, the food industry is still lagging behind, compared to, for example, car manufacturing. Food is not sexy, margins are small. Yet I am convinced that digitization can really help make the chain, from farmers to consumers, more efficient and solve problems. Let's proudly stand behind change; the Netherlands as a future-fit digital food paradise.”


Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2024