What 1.5 meters?
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What 1.5 meters?

  • 15 May 2020
  • By: Pieter Vos

The simplest measure to protect you against the COVID 19 virus appears to be the most effective. The evidence that hand-washing prevents disease transmission is overwhelming and the costs are low. My mother, 83 years old, reacted slightly stunned when she heard of this 'news fact'. For her, who grew up with the Rest-Cleanliness-Regulation rules, cleanliness is firmly ingrained, as a second nature. (Maybe it's time for a rehabilitation of the rules?). The second most effective measure against corona appears to be 'keeping the source of infection at bay'. Hence the one and a half meter measure. 

In order to guarantee food safety, 'hygiene' is also a top priority in our food factories. With detailed cleaning procedures, compulsory hairnets and the use of hygiene locks, among other things, we effectively protect production against external influences. But then there's the other component that is so effective in the corona crisis: keeping your distance... This is impossible for the food sector to maintain. Just think about it! Nothing comes closer than our food. What 1.5 meters! Proximity is the essence. This love literally goes through the stomach.

What makes it even more difficult is that contaminants in products do not take 'distance' into account either. They are often inextricably linked to the area of origin. Look at 'L. monocytogenes', E. Coli, Stec. If you process products in which these bacteria are frequently found, you can hardly escape them: you automatically withdraw the bacteria into your production process. Unlike other bacteria, listeria is also able to grow at refrigerator temperatures. Precisely because of how we handle our food, the problem has become much bigger. Meanwhile, we also have to control the chemical components such as toxins and residues that can penetrate our food. 

Back to the corona crisis. In countries where a lot has been tested, a government has more insight. As a result, they are better able to act on the current situation. After all, more knowledge provides more insight that allows you to better control your processes, and you know which measures to take and when. Measuring is knowing, it's as simple as that. Just as simple as washing your hands.

Pieter Vos, Director Nutrilab

Source: © Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2020