Nieuwe gezondheidstrends: Nederlanders omarmen bewuster eten en drinken
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RIVM: The Netherlands is adopting a healthier diet

  • 05 January 2024

The Food Consumption Survey (VCP) 2019-2021 reveals positive changes in the eating habits of the Dutch. There is an increase in the consumption of plant-based products such as vegetables, fruits, unsalted nuts, and legumes. Conversely, there is a decrease in the consumption of red and processed meats, along with a reduction in the intake of sugary beverages. These improvements extend to both children and adults, although many still do not adhere to the Dutch Health Council's Guidelines for Good Nutrition.

On average, the Dutch population is reducing its intake of sugar and salt while increasing fiber consumption—a favorable trend. However, certain nutrients are still being consumed in excess or deficiency. Changes in eating and drinking behavior play a role, as do adjustments in product composition, driven in part by initiatives like the National Approach to Product Improvement (NAPV).

Vitamins and minerals: Positive developments and considerations

There is a general increase in vitamin D intake compared to previous surveys, but among the elderly (70-79 years), vitamin D intake remains low. This underscores the importance of following supplement recommendations. However, there are low intakes of vitamins A, B2, B6, C, folate, and minerals such as calcium, iron, and potassium in specific population groups. While not immediately alarming, this emphasizes the need for further research, including nutritional status studies, to obtain a more comprehensive understanding. This applies also to some cases of high intakes of vitamins and minerals.

Source: RIVM