Retailers & Politici verenigd: 0% BTW op Groenten en Fruit in 2025!
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Retailers and politicians unite: 0% VAT on fruits and vegetables

  • 13 October 2023

Imagine a Netherlands where you can relish your fruit salad or veggie mix, not just for its health benefits, but also because it's made financially more appealing. The drive to make this vision a reality has hit a significant milestone!

At the recent National Vegetable and Fruit Day, during the vibrant Dutch Food Week, various key players in the food industry united their efforts. Supermarket giants like Aldi, Dirk, PLUS, and Ekoplaza, joined by healthcare organizations, nutrition experts, academics, and even child rights activists, solemnly signed the 'Social Agreement 0% VAT on Fruits and Vegetables'. Even more encouraging is the full backing this movement has received from multiple political factions.

Eliminating VAT on Fruits and Veggies

These stakeholders are urging the government to completely abolish the VAT on fruits and vegetables by 2025. This will make healthy eating more accessible and affordable, benefiting every Dutch citizen. And yes, supermarkets have vowed that the savings will directly benefit consumers - anticipate your fruit and veggie bill dropping by around 9%!

The driving forces, Alliance Nutrition for the Healthy Generation (AVGG) and VegetableFruit House, are steadfast in their mission. Tom Oostrom from AVGG emphasizes the urgency of this initiative: "We need this to ensure a healthier generation by 2040." Cathy van Beek from VegetableFruit House notes that post-COVID, the demand for nutritious food has risen, but there's still much ground to cover.

Political backing

Politically, the momentum is palpable. Several members of the House of Representatives, including Eva van Esch from the Party for the Animals, are co-signatories and are committed to a swift implementation of this zero-VAT rate.

This movement transcends a mere change in the tax code. It's a leap towards a healthier, more prosperous future for all of us. So, the next time you bite into an apple or carrot, remember, an entire nation stands behind you, cheering you on to make healthier choices!

View the agreement (Dutch only)

Source: GroentenFruit Huis