Red Band maker Cloetta waves gelatin goodbye
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Red Band maker Cloetta waves gelatin goodbye

  • 18 July 2024

Cloetta, known for brands like Red Band, Venco, and Sportlife, is taking steps toward vegan products to reduce its carbon footprint. This shift aligns with the growing demand for plant-based options and the company's sustainability goals. Currently, more than half of Cloetta's wine gums and licorice are already vegan. The Netherlands is the third-largest market for Cloetta, which sells candy in over 60 countries.

Impact on sustainability goals

Cloetta aims to reduce its CO2 emissions by 46% by 2030 compared to 2019. This ambitious goal is supported by the construction of a fully electric production facility in Roosendaal and the replacement of gelatin with plant-based ingredients. The switch to plant-based alternatives can contribute up to 12% to the total CO2 reduction, a percentage that may increase further. These measures are crucial to achieving the sustainability targets despite the company's growth.

Exceeding expectations

Cloetta has significantly accelerated its vegan production. In 2019, 12% of the products were vegan, with a goal to double this by 2025 and again by 2030. Internationally, Cloetta is exceeding these targets; more than 50% of the wine gums and licorice are already vegan. In the Netherlands and Germany, various vegan products from Cloetta are now available, including new variants of Red Band and Venco.

More than just technical challenges

The research and development team in Roosendaal is leading the transition to plant-based ingredients. They develop new recipes without compromising on quality and taste. Some consumers are hesitant to switch to vegan products, fearing a loss of flavor. Cloetta addresses this skepticism by using high-quality ingredients that maintain the familiar quality. According to Linda ter Bogt, Innovation Manager Candy & Liquorice, it takes time to improve existing products, but the results are worth it. Cloetta continues to commit to sustainability and innovation, meeting the evolving needs and preferences of consumers.

Source: Cloetta