The nutritional landscape is undergoing a transformation. Fevia and Comeos, two prominent federations from Belgium, are joining forces to pave the way for healthier food choices. In an era where obesity and overweight issues are at the forefront of societal discussions, their ‘Nutri-Pact: A Coalition for Better Eating’ is a welcome initiative.
Building on the success of their previous collaboration, the Balanced Nutrition Covenant, this coalition aims to further optimize the nutritional value of food products. The focus is on introducing more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds into their offerings. Concurrently, they are committed to reducing sugar and salt contents and increasing fiber. Scientific reports, such as Nutri-Track and EUREMO, will serve as a foundation for these product revisions.
But it's not just about product modifications. Fevia and Comeos are keen on actively engaging consumers in making healthier choices. One of their strategies includes launching a 'nudging' project, subtly highlighting healthier options in shopping environments. Moreover, they encourage their members to emphasize healthier food options in their marketing and provide transparency regarding the nutritional value of their products.
The federations, however, recognize the vital importance of collaborating with other sectors and the government. Their four concrete collaboration proposals range from regular food consumption surveys to awareness campaigns focused on healthier dietary habits.
The journey to a healthier future isn't determined by the food industry alone. It requires a comprehensive approach with nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and stress management at its core. With Nutri-Pact, Fevia and Comeos aim to address challenges in the current food landscape and achieve lasting change. It's a movement that every food professional and enthusiast should be aware of.
Source: Fevia