NBC: 'Price rise of bread only 5 to 10 percent'
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NBC: 'Price rise of bread only 5 to 10 percent'

  • 10 May 2022

According to the media, the price of bread would double, but new figures from the Dutch Bakery Centre (NBC) show the opposite. The increase is at most 5 to 10 percent. Thus, the increase is considerably lower and bread remains cheap food. The mentioned 5 to 10% was measured in weeks 9 to 12 and compared to the same period last year.

Raw material and energy prices rise sharply

Besides rising wheat and food commodity prices, energy and gas prices are also rising. Most ovens in the bakery sector are gas heated. The impact of both these price increases is considerable for the sector. Besides bread, other product groups such as crackers and biscuits also see an increase in costs.

Price increase remains limited

The limited increase of the bread price has several causes. Bakers and supermarkets do not fully charge on the cost increases. Because many bakers work with term contracts, it takes a while before the prices actually get higher. NBC does expect that the price of bread will be higher in the near future. The upward trend in recent months and the cost increases that have not yet been passed on give cause for this. However, there is no question of doubling the price at the moment, according to NBC.

Difficult times are behind us

Mirjam Kortekaas, director at NBC: "The bakery sector has had a difficult time. At the time of the Corona measures, restaurants, lunchrooms and caterers were closed. The catering industry accounts for 17% of total bread sales in the Netherlands. The fact that the catering industry is open again gives hope and perspective to many entrepreneurs. Of course, they will also do something with the increase in the price of bread, but the impact of this is minor at the moment."  


Source: Nederlands Bakkerij Centrum