LTO pleit voor duurzame agrarische sector
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LTO calls for sustainable transition agricultural sector

  • 14 August 2023

In the run-up to the Dutch parliamentary elections on November 22, 2023, LTO has made a specific request to political parties. They demand an election program that encourages and supports the agricultural sector in their transition to sustainable agricultural and horticultural methods. With 22 specific proposals, LTO hopes to contribute to certainty, stability and confidence for the agricultural sector.

The recent provincial elections showed that the Dutch population values domestic agriculture, food supply and a healthy countryside. LTO emphasizes the importance of this and asks parties to reflect this in their election programs and the formation of a new cabinet.

Multi-faceted transition

LTO's focus goes beyond just farmers' interests. It is about ensuring food security, a vibrant countryside and an ecologically responsible environment. Therefore, LTO advocates a multi-faceted transition. This can be through technological investments, the growth of organic farming, the expansion of farms with recreational and care functions, or through a nature inclusive farming approach.

Plan of action

With their proposed plan of action, LTO aspires to an agricultural sector that is future-proof. A sector that can properly meet climate, biodiversity and water challenges. It recognizes the variety within the sector, in which each farm can have its own approach, market and growth path. Crucial to this is that farmers and gardeners can count on consistent and coherent policies from the government.

Click here for the full plan of action.

Source: LTO Nederland