Ladessa continues under The Spreadmaker’s wings
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Ladessa continues under The Spreadmaker’s wings

  • 16 April 2024

Following financial difficulties and market challenges, Ladessa, renowned for its filet américain and spreads, is set to embark on a new chapter under the aegis of The Spreadmaker.

Continuity assured

The restart was made possible through constructive discussions with the liquidator. From April 15, The Spreadmaker, a Belgian producer of similar products, will take over the operations of Ladessa. This not only presents a new opportunity for Ladessa but also ensures the continuity of employment and product availability for customers.

"This very week, we are taking over several activities, which is a positive sign for both customers and employees," states Peter Aerts, CEO of The Spreadmaker. He highlights the synergy between the brands and their shared vision for quality and innovation. "Our combined expertise ensures the quality that characterizes both brands, and we look forward to a fruitful future."

Integration of operational processes

Production will continue in Oosterhout, now under the direction of The Spreadmaker Netherlands. The focus is on a smooth transition and the integration of business processes. This strategic move ensures that Ladessa’s identity is preserved while also creating room for innovation under the new ownership.

The new structure provides opportunities for optimization and growth, enabling Ladessa to reclaim its position in the market under The Spreadmaker's flag. The future looks promising for both employees and consumers, with an emphasis on maintaining renowned quality and introducing new product innovations.

Source: Ladessa