Great Italian Food Trade
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Great Italian Food Trade

  • 18 November 2014
  • By: Darius Dongo

"Food and beverages made in Italy". It sounds easy, but it is difficult to distinguish true excellence in the vast expanse of products that drive the global market. GIFT – Great Italian Food Trade, the international portal dedicated to excellence in Italian food, is a tool guaranteed to make this landscape clearer (

As a virtual showcase of the best in Italian production, GIFT conveys products and deep-rooted experience, often involving small and medium enterprises that are unrelated to worldwide distribution circuits, to international markets.


A team of experts carefully selects companies in line with pre-established parameters. In addition to quality and compliance with the highest production standards, GIFT evaluates the seriousness and professionalism of the company, its history and relationship with the territory, as well as its commitments in terms of social responsibility and sustainability. It is an inseparable package of requirements to ensure the best possible match with Italy’s inimitable largesse in food.

Trip around the world

After selection, Italian food and beverage products take their trip around the world through GIFT’s virtual platform. Using advanced SEO (Search Engine Optimization) technology, the portal reaches top positions in search engine results for Made in Italy products on the web.
To facilitate contact and dialogue with the global market, the contents of the portal are available in eight languages: Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and Italian. This means that 3.7 billion people around the world who speak these languages can benefit from native content carefully assembled by mother tongue editors with deep knowledge of Italian food culture. This unique detail permits GIFT to spread the heritage of Italian food in perfect synthesis with the expectations, customs and background of each target audience. 

For every business need

In addition to offering global visibility and sales channels for selected products, GIFT provides a complete range of ancillary services for food companies to reach their full potential, including foreign businesses interested in building a presence in the Italian market. This includes the development and revision of food labels, product and process certification, as well as legal consultancy for domestic and international brand registration and protection. Ad hoc services are also available to cover virtually every business need.

Trade fairs

To support internationalization, GIFT brings Italian companies to the most important international trade fairs. This summer was marked by the participation of a group of Italian wine producers at the 2014 Beijing (Yanqing) International Wine Exposition under the GIFT aegis.      
International operators visiting Italy for Expo 2015 will benefit from GIFT’s invitation to ‘Italian Food Club 4 Expo’, a dedicated space for Italian food knowledge, products and culture, and an opportunity for discussion and meetings with producers, buyers and experts in the field of agribusiness.

The founder

Launched in 2012, GIFT is fruit of the vision of Dario Dongo - lawyer, journalist and founder at, not to mention connoisseur of food law, with a decade of experience as hthe head of European and regulative policies at Federalimentare, Italy’s food and beverage industrial union. Deep knowledge of the country’s precious gastronomic heritage and the commitment to promoting the very best have converged in this project in order to spread the culture of sustainable production and facilitate international trade. The founder of GIFT, Dario Dongo, is also the author of the book "The label" illustrating the changes introduced by European Regulation 1169/2011. Dario offers this book for free to the readers of this app. Click on the photo and the download will start.

Accurate knowledge of the Italian gastronomic tradition permits GIFT to offer the Dutch market the best agro-food products, guaranteed at every level, as well as secure food brokerage for both parties. The same guarantee is offered for the wide range of corporate services, provided by a team of professionals with proven experience in the international arena. For contacts, quotes and information, contact the GIFT team at [email protected], or our local partner based in Amsterdam, Sergio Carbonara at the e-address: [email protected]

Sergio Carbonara

Source: © Great Italian Food Trade