EU Parliament supports Farm to Fork strategy
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EU Parliament supports Farm to Fork strategy

  • 20 October 2021

Healthier food for consumers, a fairer income for farmers and less impact from the food industry on the environment. This is what the European Parliament wants to achieve in the coming years by embracing the so-called 'Farm to Fork' strategy. It should also create more animal-friendly conditions, help achieve the Green Deal of European Commissioner Frans Timmermans and give farmers a more balanced share in the profits from sustainably produced food. 

More sustainable

Food from the EU has to become much more sustainable, according to the Euro-parliamentarians. They adopted a resolution to ensure a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system within the EU. To achieve this, the whole chain - from agriculture to consumers - must play a different role. For example, by 2030 there must be more land for organic farming and pesticides must be better controlled. In fact, the use of pesticides must be reduced altogether. 

The European Parliament wants to address meat and highly processed food consumption by setting maximum limits. Far to many products still have too high a salt, sugar or fat content and a maximum limit must be set for this. The EU must also advise consumers on how to eat more healthily. These recommendations must be scientifically supported, but healthy food should not become too expensive for the consumer. 

Green Deal

The 'From farm to fork' strategy is intended to help achieve the goals of the Green Deal of European Commissioner Frans Timmermans. Targets must be set for maximum greenhouse gas emissions and for strict criteria for renewable energy in agriculture. However, farmers must be supported.

Source: Europese Commissie