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Manure disposal costs are skyrocketing. Dutch dairy and pig farmers, in particular, are feeling the impact of record-high manure prices. Weekly manure price reports from DCA Market Intelligence, the benchmark for manure prices since 2010, show a significant increase. Pig farmers are facing a 70-75% rise in disposal costs compared to 2022, while dairy farmers are seeing a surge of more than 101%.
The collection fee for pig slurry this year averages €32.99 per cubic metre, up from €19.13 in 2022. For cattle slurry, the fee has risen from €13.07 to €30.55 per cubic metre. Farms without their own manure storage space are facing sharp cost increases, with some expenses reaching as high as €80,000 annually. While some dairy farmers can apply manure to their own land, the pressure remains high due to tighter regulations.
The phase-out of derogation and stricter European manure regulations are making the space for manure application even tighter. Nitrogen limits for grassland have been reduced, and buffer zones have been expanded, further limiting the available area for manure application. Heavy rainfall earlier this year worsened the situation, as less manure could be spread on fields. Regulations are expected to tighten further next year, adding more pressure to the market.
Source: DCA Market Intelligence
Vakblad Voedingsindustrie is a project of b2b Communications BV.
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