Changes to NVWA fees as of 1 January 2017
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Changes to NVWA fees as of 1 January 2017

  • 10 January 2017

As of 1 January 2017, the charges for inspections, re-inspections, system supervision, certification, sampling and sample analysis by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) have changed. 

The NVWA charges are set by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. The new charges were published on 30 November 2016 in Staatscourant. The charges for the NVWA of the Dutch Ministry for Public Health, Welfare and Sport are laid down in the Commodities Act Regulation for Setting Fees for Food 2008 (Warenwetregeling vaststelling van retributies voor levensmiddelen 2008). These new charges were published on 29 December 2016.

The Warenwetbesluit retributies levensmiddelen lays down the fees that the NVWA charges for inspection and supervisory activities related to the trade in and production of certain products of animal origin. The costs incurred by the NVWA are factored into the charge so that it covers the costs. Most charges are affected by only a minor change.

On average, the NVWA charges have been reduced by 1%, although the actual effect varies per charge. The charges for KDS inspections of red-meat slaughterhouses will be made even more cost-covering in 2017.

Source: ©Andrey_Popov/