Change in import control for organic products
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Change in import control for organic products

  • 04 March 2025

As of March 3, 2025, the control procedure for organic import shipments covered by the organic regulation will change. Skal Biocontrole will take over responsibility for verifying the organic status of these shipments from customs. This means the order of control steps will be different: from now on, the process in the Netherlands will begin with Skal approving the Certificate of Inspection (COI).

Administrative impact on importers

The adjustments to the control system will affect the procedures of importers and service providers. They will need to align their processes accordingly to ensure a smooth logistics flow.

Information and support

To keep stakeholders informed, Skal has been providing explanations through various channels since December. In January and February, nearly 300 importers took part in online Q&A sessions to ask Skal’s import specialists about the changes.

For more details on the new procedure, including a step-by-step guide and answers to frequently asked questions, importers can visit the Skal website.

Source: Skal