More households buy organic, revenue grows by 7%
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More households buy organic, revenue grows by 7%

  • 03 March 2025

New figures from YouGov show that Dutch households purchased organic products more frequently in 2024. The number of households buying organic at least once a month increased by 7.5%. In total, 44% of households bought organic products on a weekly to monthly basis in 2024. Together, they spent 17% more on organic food compared to 2023.

Organic market share grows despite overall decline

While the total food market saw a slight decline in 2024 (-1%), organic revenue increased by 7%. This brought the total organic revenue to €1.7 billion, raising its market share to 4%. The average purchase frequency of organic food rose by 4% to 38.5 times per year.

Frequent buyers account for the largest share of revenue

Among households that buy organic, 12% purchased organic products at least once a week. This group accounted for 54% of total organic revenue. Meanwhile, the number of households buying organic less than once a month decreased slightly, making up 41% of all organic-buying households in 2024. Nearly all Dutch households (97.5%) bought at least one organic product in 2024.

Source: Bionext