Brands Fish acquires Baarssen Fish Processing
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Brands Fish acquires Baarssen Fish Processing

  • 27 February 2024

Brands Fish has acquired Baarssen Fish Processing. This move, effective from January 1, 2024, underscores a significant development in the fish processing industry.

The founders of Brands Fish, Hendrik and Jan Brands, have a long history in the fish sector. Formerly self-employed in salmon processing, they have now realised their ambition by acquiring their own production company. Initially situated at Urk Export, Brands Fish now takes over the extensive operations of Baarssen Fish Processing.

Baarssen, with about 150 employees, is known for its advanced processing methods for various types of fish, especially cod and flatfish. These activities will continue and even expand under the new management.

New leadership, new name

The leadership of the revamped Brands Fish includes Marten Poelman, Hendrik Brands, Jan Brands, and Gerrit Wakker. Poelman, formerly the director and co-owner of Baarssen, brings a wealth of experience. The name Baarssen Fish Processing will later this year change to Brands Fish, marking a fresh start.

Gerrit Wakker, cousin of the Brands brothers and now a supervisor at Brands Fish, plays a central role in this acquisition. His background in salmon and cod cultivation, and relationships with Norwegian partners, were crucial for the deal. This gives Brands Fish a stronger market position.

Focus on cod

Interestingly, Brands Fish in Urk will not focus on salmon processing. According to Wakker, there is already enough capacity for salmon in Urk. Instead, the focus will be on cod, an area where Baarssen already had expansion plans. This move shows that Brands Fish is aware of market needs and ready to carve out its own niche in the fish processing industry.

Source: Visserijnieuws