Nearly a third (28%) of Jumbo’s online customers are more likely to click on an organic product when the phrase ‘Bio, pesticide-free skin’ is displayed underneath it. Of this group, 10% ultimately choose the organic option. This is the result of a series of online nudges tested in Jumbo’s webshop in collaboration with Bionext.
Jumbo used four methods to highlight organic products: online banners, a suggested shopping list featuring organic options, organic search suggestions, and an additional product description under organic items. The phrase ‘Bio, pesticide-free skin’ proved to be the most effective in encouraging organic purchases.
Test results show that 33% of customers who saw organic products displayed added them to their shopping cart more often. Organic search suggestions led to 18% of customers clicking on an organic product more frequently. Banners helped boost visibility, but did not directly lead to higher sales.
Jumbo aims for at least 8% of its potatoes, vegetables, and fruit sales to be organic by 2026, increasing to 10% by 2027. “We see the positive impact of these nudges and will continue to highlight organic products through search suggestions and inspiration lists on the homepage,” says Ton van den Hoek, Manager AGF at Jumbo. The supermarket chain is also exploring how unique product benefits can be applied to a wider range of products.
The nudges are part of the campaign ‘De mooiste boodschap is bio uit Europa,’ an initiative by Bionext, the supply chain organization for organic farming and food.
Source: Bionext