Avocados continue to gain popularity
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Avocados continue to gain popularity

  • 10 May 2022

Avocados are becoming more and more popular. South America is producing more and more. For the European market, extra information is needed to match the level of the US, the largest import market in the world.

A recent Rabobank report shows that the rising popularity of avocados has not yet come to an end. Globally, the United States (US) imports the most avocados. The European market for avocados has grown enormously, but growth is now expected to slow down. South America is producing more and more avocados, also partly to meet local demand.

The European avocado market is entering a new phase

The European avocado market has grown enormously over the past ten years. In the EU and the UK, the market grew on average by more than 12 per cent per year. And there is still room for growth, although it will be slightly slower. Rabobank expects that the EU will buy avocados from more different countries. Peru is by far the largest supplier, but smaller suppliers such as Colombia and Mexico are advancing in Europe. The total avocado market of the EU and UK is estimated at 861,000 tonnes, an average of 1.5 kg of avocado per person per year. Most avocados are eaten in the Scandinavian countries. Eastern European countries are catching up.

South American avocado export continues to grow

After Mexico, South America has become the most important supplier of avocados. The bank expects the amount of avocados produced there to continue to rise. As more avocados are produced, suppliers are expected to look for new markets in 2022. Most South American avocados end up in Europe. But it is likely that more Peruvian avocados will also be exported to the US in 2022. Peru was already exporting more to Asian markets in 2021.

Influences on the avocado trade

There are several factors influencing the global avocado trade. Among them is the conflict in Ukraine. As a result, exports to Russia and Ukraine will drop sharply. But also the slower growth of European consumption. In Chile, avocado consumption remains high, but the country will import less because its own avocado production is recovering.


Source: Rabobank