Are you ready for Datamatrix and QR codes on your packaging?
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Are you ready for Datamatrix and QR codes on your packaging?

  • 09 September 2024

The traditional (1D) barcode is being phased out. Its successors, the QR and Datamatrix codes, offer significantly more potential when it comes to product identification and traceability. GS1 aims to have the 2D code in widespread use by 2027 (Sunrise 2027). Retail self-scanners can process more data, such as expiration information, allowing for dynamic pricing without discount stickers by incorporating expiration dates into the 2D code.

Track your products digitally with GS1’s Digital Link

GS1 has introduced Digital Link, which enables digital tracking of products. Detailed product information, such as production and logistics data, can be stored throughout the product's lifecycle. Consumers scanning a QR code can access additional details like recipes or the product’s origin.

Serialization and aggregation: Always keep track of your products

Serialization, the unique numbering of products, allows for tracking and tracing. Aggregation groups packaging numbers, ensuring traceability throughout a product's entire lifecycle.

Whether it’s Digital Link, Track & Trace, Digital Product Passport, or Dynamic Pricing, De Koningh’s experienced team is happy to advise you.

Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2024