A tidy feeling
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A tidy feeling

  • 11 November 2019
  • By: Pieter Vos

The term 'clean' is a topic of discussion in our industry. When does something meet this standard? The first impression plays an important role: is it tidy and dust-free? Is the line 'clean'? Do you immediately get the feeling: 'yes, I can get to work here'? Anyone who sees rubbish everywhere in a food production environment will certainly scratch their head. But a first good impression doesn't say it all. Even a tidy and seemingly clean environment can be polluted; you know the dangers of corners, cracks and holes, and the risks of hidden dirt like no other. 

So clean goes beyond what you see at first sight. This applies to a space, a production line, but also to ourselves. If you carry too much ballast, you are more likely to become frustrated, react less friendly, have a less clear view of situations and react less accurately.

The end of the year is approaching. For many people, including me, a period of looking back and forward, of reflection and rest. We are often busy, we are asked a lot. We forget to take the time to 'clean up': to think about where we stand in regards to our relationships, both at work and in our private lives. Maybe something needs to be cleaned up? 

Are you ready to really tap into your capacities by 2020? Do you have the feeling 'Yes! I can get to work'? Or is there any subcutaneous rubbish that prevents you from being truly free? Then maybe you should scratch your head. Start with a clean slate for 2020: remove the things that stand in your way: literally, but also figuratively.  

Pieter Vos

Source: © Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2019