50 Mln to stimulate innovation
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50 Mln to stimulate innovation

  • 12 May 2015

From 19 May onwards, Dutch small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the so-called Top Sectors could be eligible for a new innovation provision (‘MKB Innovatiestimulering Topsectoren’ or ‘MIT’). This provision will make 50 million euros available this year to encourage innovation among SMEs in the Top Sectors.

Over the past year Jan van Rijsingen, team member and SME entrepreneur in the Top Sector Agri&Food, has been working hard in support of adjustments to the provision: “SMEs in particular are crucial to innovation and economic growth, which is why it is very significant that the Dutch government, through collaboration at national and provincial level, is improving the support provided to a large number of innovative SMEs. As a result, SMEs will be able to innovate more, faster and easier. I call on all SMEs to make full use of this opportunity.”

Investing and innovating
Dutch provinces and the national government have agreed to invest jointly in the provision, which has boosted the fund from 32 million euros in 2014 to 50 million euros today. Minister Kamp of Economic Affairs: “Entrepreneurs drive economic growth. Especially now the economy is improving again it is important that they can invest and innovate, which they do by taking responsible risks and by developing and executing concrete plans. But they need access to finance. Through this collaboration, the Dutch parliament and the country’s provinces are offering companies extra support to help them achieve their growth ambitions.”


Four instruments
The updated MIT provision includes four different instruments to support entrepreneurs, depending on the situation, as follows:

  • Knowledge vouchers: gain access to expertise from a knowledge institute;
  • Consultancy projects: gain access to expertise from a knowledge institute or independent consultancy firm;
  • Feasibility projects: evaluate technical and economic risks and opportunities for the planned innovation project;
  • R&D collaboration projects: the development and sharing of knowledge with independent partners to facilitate innovation within products, production processes or services.

‘I call on SMEs to make full use of this opportunity’

Companies can apply for the MIT provision via RVO.nl as before, but new this year is the facility for entrepreneurs to also apply regionally. To explore and utilise innovation opportunities in full, companies can request support from the ‘innovation brokers’ at TKI Agri&Food (www.tki-agrifood.nl/innovatiemakelaars). For more information about the provision, see RVO.nl.


Source: ©iStock.com/sefanphoto