Food Safety 2018
Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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COV, VNV en SVO willen meer scholieren opleiden

Onlangs gingen SVO, vakbonden en enkele key spelers in de vlees- en vleeswarenindustrie met elkaar in debat over de instroom van scholieren in het mbo-onderwijs en het bevorderen van het vakmanschap en de duurzame inzetb..

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“I’m arguing for large-scale waste stream efforts”

08 May 2018

We have to end the linear model in the meat supply chain, where everything is centred on efficiency and intensity. That is the opinion of WUR researcher Toine Timmermans. In his opinion, we should import less soya and ut...

Oh, what fun!

08 May 2018

According to the Voedingscentrum (Food Centre), roughly 700,000 people are affected by food poisoning annually. Despite the tips and warnings, it all seems like a lost cause.  Take King’s Day for example. This is...