Circular economy and sustainable enterprise 2019
Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Trends and developments: The circular economy

What will we eat in 2050? Can we make our food production more sustainable? Who is going to pay for the transition to a circular economy? Is it the responsibility of the government, of the industry, or of the consumer? P..

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Making the rice production more sustainable

04 February 2019

"If Dutch retailers can stimulate rice farmers to apply more climate-friendly methods, the global emission of methane can be reduced by 70%”, says Chris Brown of the international food and agri-business Olam, which provi...

Force majeure

04 February 2019

I was following the news about the huge amount of snow in Austria and was happy that I was not there. I can still remember myself thinking 'Luckily we don't have that kind of horrible weather in our tiny, rainy country.....

MarketCall pays off

04 February 2019

You probably recognise this. You want to bring your products or services to the attention of potential clients but you lack the time or the right tools to do this. And furthermore, the whim of the day determines your age...