Waste-free week 2023 started
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Waste-free week 2023 started

  • 11 September 2023

From September 11th to 17th, the Waste-Free Week is taking place, organized by the foundation Together Against Food Waste. This week is dedicated to informing consumers about the importance of smart food storage to prevent food wastage.

Recent research indicates that 76% of Dutch citizens consider the storage of vegetables and fruits in the fridge. However, many misconceptions exist regarding the optimal storage location. For instance, 58% of respondents believe cucumbers belong in the refrigerator, while they are best kept on the fruit bowl. The same applies to bell peppers. On the other hand, apples stay fresh for up to 4 weeks when stored in the fridge, a fact unknown to nearly 60% of those surveyed.

Furthermore, even though eggs are displayed outside of refrigeration in stores, they remain fresher for longer when stored in a home refrigerator. This helps reduce bacterial growth and prolongs their edible life.

The mission of this week is crucial; Dutch people waste an average of 33.4 kg of food per person each year. This wastage profoundly impacts the climate, considering the energy-intensive production chain of our food. By not wasting food for a mere week, the Netherlands could save over 22 million meals and 33 million kg of CO2 emissions – equivalent to almost 500,000 car trips between Groningen and Maastricht.

During the Waste-Free Week, more than 150 organizations will take action. Supermarkets will provide waste-free tips, municipalities will host activities, caterers and educational institutions will participate, and Dutch celebrities will share their favorite leftover recipes online. On Monday, Deputy Minister Adema (LNV) will visit De Earste Trimen primary school to discuss with students the importance of combating food wastage.

For added assistance in reducing household wastage, Together Against Food Waste and the Nutrition Center are introducing the 'First to Finish tape'. By using this tape, it becomes clear to all household members which products should be consumed first.


Source: Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling