Wakker Dier pleit voor bewuste keuze in zuivel
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Wakker Dier aims for conscious dairy choices

  • 18 October 2023

Starting 18th October, Wakker Dier is drawing attention to the welfare of dairy cows through radio ads and print advertisements. They emphasize that over 90% of the milk in supermarkets lacks a recognized animal welfare certification. This raises questions about the conditions these cows live under. Anne Hilhorst, the organization's spokesperson, says, “It's crucial to be aware of the origin of our milk.”

Wakker Dier states, “The average Dutch cow produces more than nine thousand liters of milk annually, which demands a lot from her. Yet, she spends about 85% of her life in a barn. Unfortunately, not all barns are adequately designed. A comfortable resting place is vital for a cow's health, with an ideal resting time of up to fifteen hours a day.”

The Call for Change Intensifies

Supermarkets play a pivotal role, where the emphasis should be on sustainability and welfare over profits. Hilhorst notes, “The welfare of dairy cows deserves our focus.”

Organic Choices

There are already supermarkets making positive strides. For instance, PLUS has replaced their standard fresh brand milk and yogurt with Dutch organic products. Odin and Ekoplaza also prioritize organic dairy.

Wakker Dier is committed to improving the lives of dairy cows. They aim for all milk products in supermarkets to meet at least one star from the 'Beter Leven Keurmerk' or be Dutch organic. Currently, less than 10% of dairy products in supermarkets meet these standards. The goal is to raise awareness and collaboratively work towards a brighter future for dairy cows.


Image: Syda Productions/Shutterstock.com

Source: Wakker Dier