Vion loses meat export license to non-EU countries
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Vion temporarily barred from exporting meat outside the EU

  • 08 July 2024

Vion is currently unable to export meat to countries outside the European Union from its Boxtel facility. On Wednesday, July 3, the NVWA temporarily revoked the company's export license. Vion expressed surprise at this decision.

The measure followed a routine inspection at the end of last week, during which certain issues were identified. Neither the NVWA nor Vion have disclosed specific details about these findings. However, Vion did state that corrective actions were taken immediately. Despite this, the NVWA proceeded to revoke the license a few days later. It remains unclear how long this suspension will last. Vion has expressed surprise and is in discussions with the regulator.


This suspension is a significant blow for Vion, as it halts exports to countries like China, Japan, and South Korea. Approximately 90,000 pigs are slaughtered weekly at the Boxtel facility. Although the profitability of exporting pig parts outside Europe has decreased in recent years, it still generates around €20 per pig.


Source: ©Vion Food Group