UNICEF: Youth wants ban on unhealthy food advertising
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UNICEF: Youth wants ban on unhealthy food advertising

  • 21 August 2023

Advertising for unhealthy products influences the eating choices of Dutch children and adolescents, according to research by UNICEF Netherlands. The results show that more than four in 10 children and adolescents want a ban on children's advertisements for unhealthy food and drinks. "Market healthy products just as skillfully as is currently done with unhealthy products," said the report.

Children and youth are confronted with advertisements for unhealthy products virtually all day long. They note that influencers are often used to promote unhealthy consumption, and product price influences their purchase decision.

Marketing techniques

Suzanne Laszlo, director of UNICEF Netherlands, emphasizes the impact of this marketing: "Constant exposure to unhealthy product advertisements leads to unhealthy eating habits." Moreover, as young people get older, they are more exposed to marketing techniques due to their greater access to social media and financial resources. Nevertheless, 17-year-olds believe they are less influenced by these techniques because of greater awareness.

Less ads = less influence

Laszlo argues that the environment has a significant influence on our choices. UNICEF Netherlands calls for restrictions on advertising unhealthy foods in areas where children and young people frequent, such as schools and sports venues. Proposals include time slots for such advertisements on TV and restrictions on social media. Young people also suggest promoting healthy products.

This study, presented to State Health Secretary Maarten van Ooijen on Aug. 17, 2023, supports his earlier announcement to legally restrict child marketing for unhealthy foods. Van Ooijen stressed the importance of ensuring that young people can make healthy choices.

Read the full report ‘(On)bewust verleid’ (Dutch only)


Source: Unicef