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Mandatory country-of-origin labelling of meat products appears to be useful for consumers and does not have a major impact on the meat chain, according to research commissioned by the European Commission.
Consumers regard country of origin labelling as important information when purchasing. There is no doubt about the accuracy of the information relating to the labelling definitions, but consumer understanding of these definitions is limited, which leads to doubts about consumer interpretation. It is recommended that consideration be given to information campaigns to improve consumer understanding of this issue.
Mandatory origin labelling has not had a major impact on the meat chain. It has not created many additional costs for businesses in the meat chain. The impact on trade in live animals or fresh meat within the European Union was also minimal. The slaughter and processing industry was most affected by the new rules, but the effects were limited according to the researchers.
The study was conducted among 6,250 consumers and representatives from consumer organisations and the meat chain. It also included discussions with national competent authorities and case studies within 21 meat supply chains in 10 member states.
Read the complete study 'Evaluation support study on mandatory indication of country of origin labelling for certain meats'
Source: Europese Commissie
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