Tastings of Cultivated Meat and Fish Soon a Reality
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Tastings of Cultivated Meat and Fish Soon a Reality

  • 29 January 2024

Dutch companies engaged in the production of cultivated meat and fish now have the opportunity to submit applications for tastings through the Cellular Agriculture Netherlands Foundation (CANS). This move comes in the wake of the approval of the motion by De Groot (D66) and Valstar (VVD), granting companies the chance to showcase their products while awaiting European approvals from the European Commission.

Introduced in 2023, the Dutch Code of Practice enables companies to safely organize tastings of cultivated food. Subsequently, CANS has assembled an expert committee comprising four specialists in toxicology, microbiology, ethics, and medicine. Chaired by Prof. Dr. Hans Verhagen, this committee will independently evaluate the submitted applications.

Evaluation and initiation of tastings

In early 2024, experts will assess the initial applications. Upon a positive evaluation, tastings can commence shortly thereafter. This step is pivotal for producers of cultivated meat and fish, as it sets them on the path to submitting a European approval dossier to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Sector support and funding

CANS plays a supportive role in evaluating companies' applications and has already established various programs thanks to funding from the National Growth Fund. In addition to facilitating tastings, a new educational program will be available for students in 2024. Furthermore, scientists will be appointed to esteemed institutions such as InHolland, TU Delft, Maastricht University, and Wageningen University & Research as part of these comprehensive initiatives to promote the development of cell-based food production in the Netherlands.


Source: Cellulaire Agricultuur Nederland Stichting