Steam boilers equipped for the future
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Steam boilers equipped for the future

  • 06 June 2023

There is a rising trend in the number of companies taking a critical look at their own business process to see where, in the near future or in the long term, sustainability can be achieved. This is the right time to take a look at the current, often gas-fired, steam plant and inquire about the possibilities with regard to energy saving and sustainability.

There are increasing sustainability requirements from the government, but consumers and suppliers are also joining this trend. Even if a company has not taken any concrete actions at the moment, it cannot avoid integrating sustainability into future plans. From 2050, the entire production process must be gas-free. That still seems a long way off, but even now there are enough reasons to start thinking about steam production in the future. 

To make steam generation completely gas-free, many companies are considering switching to an e-boiler or electric steam boiler. Because hot water is heated with electric elements, these steam boilers do not use fossil fuels and, when using green steam, there are also no CO2 emissions. As the government wants to encourage more environmentally friendly assets and processes, companies that invest in these can qualify for subsidies.

Besides a gasless steam boiler as an alternative, interim modifications to the existing steam plant are also possible. This can lead to energy savings in the current production process for a more environmentally friendly or future-proof product. Low-temperature processes in some cases do not require steam at all. Recovery of waste heat and insulation measures to minimise energy losses are examples of other interventions that lead to a more sustainable process. 

Is it time to adapt the company's production process to a more sustainable variant or has the demand for steam generation changed? If so, contact Scharff Techniek for a free consultation.

Source: Scharff Techniek