Remarkable food industry turnover growth in 2022
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Remarkable food industry turnover growth in 2022

  • 04 April 2023
  • By: Ron Duijkers

The food industry experienced remarkable sales growth in 2022. As many as 65 per cent of the companies managed to increase their turnover. Of these companies, half even achieved more than 20 per cent increase in turnover. This is according to an analysis of recent CBS figures by our editors.

Second quarter excellent

The second quarter was the most successful, with as many as 70 per cent of companies seeing an increase in turnover compared to the same quarter in 2021. In fact, 36 per cent of companies saw sales increase by more than 20 per cent.

The bigger the better

The analysis shows that company size plays an important role in success. The largest companies achieved the most revenue increases, with a rate of 87 per cent for companies with more than 250 employees. But smaller companies also managed to increase their sales, with 61 per cent sales increases among "one-person" companies.

2021 the best year

It will be interesting to see how these figures compare with previous years. In 2012, the first year CBS started measuring turnover risers and fallers in the food industry, it was the worst year. Back then, 50 per cent of companies saw a decline in turnover, with 15 per cent of those falling by more than 20 per cent. In contrast, in 2021, the best year since measurement began, 66 per cent of companies increased sales. In 2022, 65 per cent of companies achieved sales growth, making 2022 the second best year.

Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2023