Recall: Not if, but when?
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Recall: Not if, but when?

  • 05 March 2018
  • By: Pieter Vos

Many recalls are caused by errors in ingredient statements on packaging, mixed-up labels or product errors. When a manufacturer does not have the labelling process squared away perfectly, then sooner or later something will go wrong. 

Of the 65 notifications that the NVWA made last year, 63% were related to the presence of allergens that were not stated on the packaging. More than half of the reports involved an incorrectly created label. It is a lost cause when the label is not a sticker, but instead an integral part of the packaging: you have reached the point of no return.

Some risks are easy to avoid. Be aware that additional risks arise during changes, such as swapping out ingredients, adjusting recipes and using a different supplier for resources. We aid many clients in checking their ingredient statements, during changes to existing products and the creation of new products. If the nutritional values match the contents and the contents match those on the packaging, then the ingredients are properly described. A fresh perspective from a third party can sometimes shine a light on what you may have become blind to.  

Mistakes can lurk anywhere, so employing an airtight procedure is truly essential. If you don’t have one yet, then I would venture to say that the question is not if a recall will come your way, but when. 

Pieter Vos
Director Nutrilab

Source: © Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2018