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The DCA Pigs Quotation has reached an all-time high on Friday, November 15.
A new record has been set with a listing of € 1.84. This means that the price including VAT has broken the magic limit of € 2.00. The history of the DCA Pigs Quotation, the most important listing in this market, goes back to 2005, and since then the prices for pork have never been so high in the Netherlands.
The underlying reason for the huge increase in the past year is the great demand for pork in China. This increased demand has its origins in the African swine fever in China. The impact of this is that the pig population has shrunk by half. And the effects last.
Experts expect the low point of the Chinese pork supply to be reached next year. And that it will only be at the level of last year way after 2025. This means that China has to import a lot of extra pork meat to meet the needs of the local population.
All this has led to the DCA listing for pork cuts showing a big plus for weeks. Almost all slaughterhouses run at maximum capacity but have difficulty keeping up with demand. Certainly now that the end of the year is approaching and the holidays will again provide an extra boost to demand in the Netherlands. Domestic demand and that of exports to China will compete for priority. The prices of pork meat are therefore expected to continue to rise, also in the supermarket in the Netherlands.
Source: © DCA
Vakblad Voedingsindustrie is a project of b2b Communications BV.
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